More Profitable
As good as the idea of bitcoin , as bad is the earn from ptc/ptr btw visit pages.The btc earn isnt nothing but if you want to collect some bitcoins at the online wallet (see quick links),
you need to get better income. Ive searched the best ptc and the best ptr sites for normal currencys to provide you an indirect way to grow your bitcoin wallet.
All of your earning can be transfared to paypal or the page listed to buy bitcoins-
just deposit paypal amounts to your bank and exchange it via exchange page (im using this service)
back to the theme, enjoy these great ways to earn money:
(pay 5, 25 or 50 dollar paypal - get double back! everyone who paid is in a list. when you reach the top, 2 other members will send your money)
(register- pay 1,75 dollar and earn the same for every invited member [sometimes the page invites new members to your account itself. lean back and enjoy] )
Best PTR
[+PTC] (option to collect points, every point gets you more automatic daily payout)
Best PTC
(most possible earn compared to others)
(earn by visiting sites)
(pay 5, 25 or 50 dollar paypal - get double back! everyone who paid is in a list. when you reach the top, 2 other members will send your money)
(register- pay 1,75 dollar and earn the same for every invited member [sometimes the page invites new members to your account itself. lean back and enjoy] )
Best PTR
[+PTC] (option to collect points, every point gets you more automatic daily payout)
Best PTC
(most possible earn compared to others)
(earn by visiting sites)
im currently experimenting with PTR [+PTC] organisations that promise very high rates (like 100$ PTC!) - will post results in a few days
*as you know from the "bonus programs" section (navigation point "earn"), ptc means paid-to-click
*ptr means paid-to-read (email)